Circles, Xs, Colors: The Surgical Map

Happy Thursday!  It’s almost time to relax, enjoy the weekend and plan your next surgery.  In previous blogs, I have talked about how and where to place incisions, how to take aesthetic photographs and the importance of planning.  Today I start by saying: The planning of a surgery is critical in a liposuction surgery.  Part of the planning is the pre-operative marking of the patient.  I refer to markings as a surgical map.  The areas to be treated should be marked accordingly using a permanent marker (I have tried various brands but Sharpies work best).  I use specific anatomical landmarks to start drawing my map, use concentric circles to enclose the areas I will be working on, and finalize with Xs of different colors to emphasize the larger size of an area compared to its counterpart.  Here is a video that shows you how I draw my surgical map.

Each surgical map belongs to and should de drawn by each cosmetic specialist.  However you plan it and draw it, it’s entirely up to you.  What’s important is the execution of the plan following a specific and well drawn surgical map. 

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