As previously discussed in my blog “Pearls of Wisdom: Abdominal, Waist and Back Lipo Incisions”, the planning of a liposuction surgery, including the placement of incisions, is a critical step for it’s success. The placement of the incisions is part of the mapping of the surgery and will depend on the areas to be treated. These incisions are strategically placed so the direction of the cannula during surgery can reach and cover as much of the area to be treated as possible. The appropriate placement of the suction cannula in the fat layer and the direction of the cannula during suction, will ensure the most efficiency during the procedure.
A suction cannula is inserted into the adipose tissue at an angle to the skin, and once in the correct fat plane, it is advanced parallel to the surface of the skin. The movements are performed in parallel, in and out, along a straight line, using a “fanning or fan-shaped” pattern to aspirate the fat. This fat aspiration technique creates a number of tunnels in different directions that, once they collapse and the skin retracts, will give the body its new shape. The best results will be achieved by using multiple incision sites while overlapping adjacent fan-like tunnels with each movement in different directions.
Enclosed various images that show the direction of the cannula (pink arrows) from various incisions sites (green Xs) to treat the abdomen, waist and back areas.

Although this fat aspiration technique is a simple procedure with good and acceptable cosmetic results, it requires practice and experience; the more it is practiced, the more consistent better results can be achieved. Liposuction is a very tactile procedure, the more you do it, the better the results will be. Contact us at for more information about our trainings.