Pre-Op Photography

It is Transformation Tuesday and the most reliable and accurate way to document your patients’ body transformation, in addition to the patients’ medical record,  is by taking photos at the right angles and using the right equipment.  This video blog shows you how to take pre-operative cosmetic photos of the patient, as previously discussed in a blog. The critical elements to include are:

  • Use a black or electric blue background.
  • Use disposable underwear, of a solid color, preferably black.  Women should wear a strapless bra and thong underwear.  Men should wear shorts. 
  • Use a black or electric blue background. 
  • Avoid hyperextension of the extremities; hands should be placed in anatomical position on the sides or at heart level, depending on the angle. 
  • Take all photos in the same area, with the same lightening and at the same distance. 
  • Be CONSISTENT.  Take pre and all post-op photos including all the elements specified above.

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